My Account FAQ's

Updating Contact Information

Q. I need to update my email address, but can't find a way to do this myself. Can you help with this?

A. Yes! If you ever need to update or change your log in information, please reach out to us at [email protected], and we will be happy to make the change for you!


Q. My application for wholesale pricing was approved, but I can't seem to find anywhere to place my wholesale order. Where can I find this option on

A. We process wholesale orders on the telephone, by email or though the postal service. If you are interested in placing an order using your wholesale account, please give us a call at 413-397-2012, or email us at [email protected]!

Order History

Q. Can you see my personal order history if I need to reference this for my records?

A. Yes! Well, usually. As long as you have an account and log in with using your email address, we can find all of your past orders. If you placed an order without an account, thats okay too! We would just need whatever email was used to place that order and we can pull up that information too!

Multiple Email Logins

Q. I have an older account, but forgot and signed up with a new email. Can I combine those accounts?

A. Yes you can! Reach out to us either by telephone at 413-397-2012, or by email at [email protected], with your old email address, and new email address, and we can make that adjustment for you!

Tax Exempt

Q. The account I have is for my school, and I have tax exemption forms. How do I apply these?

A. Please reach out to us directly with the tax exempt documentation and we will be happy to make the proper adjustments to your account!

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